Saturday 4 April 2020

What is wrong with people?

I keep reading reports of panic buying - still!  Even today a Time correspondent (OK I know it's a feeble publication ...) reports that his supermarket is sold out of not just toilet paper and hand sanitizer but bread!  If bread sold out in France the peasants would be manning the Guillotine. Yesterday at the supermarket I bought 8 baguettes and 2 fishes - I must try to get the mix right next time.


  1. Perhaps I should point out that I'm not hoarding bread. I usually buy 4 baguettes at a time, they freeze really well so 8 should be 2 week supply. The bakery produces new hot baguettes all day long, they have dozens of them stacked up for sale and don't blink an eye at a purchase of 8, which they hand over is a nice big brown paper sack - with a smile!

  2. Glad you got your bread, Dick. I had given Isobel an article about the special dispensation French bakers were getting to keep the baguette supply going! As for toilet paper, sheesh...who knows why the hoarding. Some fun facts and history about it in this NY Times column:
