Monday 27 April 2020


Return to the Sky
I’m back-pedalling to the place
Where once we used to be,
When you were me and we were us
And I was you and me

We lived and loved by cheek and gall
No question of defeat
Our enemies we held in thrall 
Our righteousness was sweet 

What happened to those fearless hearts 
That beat a different drum?
That told the world to stand aside
And bid its saviours come?

We’re here, my dear, despite ourselves
Our challenges outstripped
Their eager ends belied the means  
Our pipe-dreams have been pipped

We’ve landed on a different shore
Of mellowing desire
Where comfort claims our aches and pains
And soothes our cooling fire

So here we’ll stay and let this play
Unravel to its end
We’ll show them how to take a bow
Together now, my friend.


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