Saturday 4 April 2020

Upsides & Downsides

I have been thinking about the upside and downside of Sheltering in Place…for example...

1. A blank calendar. But then, not much to look forward to out in the world except lethal germs.

2. No gym. On the other hand, NO GYM.

3. Lots of funny toilet paper jokes. On the other hand, not so funny when there’s no toilet paper.

4. Special senior hours at the grocery store. But…at ungodly hours….intermingling with our fellow virus demographic.

5. Tasty, treaty take-out food from favorite restaurants. Hmmm...did they wash their hands?

6. Saving money on hairdresser appointments…while watching the gray overtake my head.

7. Plenty of time to clean the house. On the other hand, plenty of time to clean the house.

8. More time altogether! To clip toenails, do jigsaw puzzles, play online Solitaire, update Will, make scrapbooks, organize recipes, winnow books you finally know you will never read, sort out garage, binge-watch ANYTHING -- the lighter and sillier the better (surge those endorphins!). Oh and sex…with masks and gloves and 6’ apart. :-)

9. No pesky rush hour traffic… but then no happy hour with friends.

10. And of course, the ultimate downside...death. No upside there.

Play along!? Add your own Yin and Yang of staying home (more ominously known as “lockdown”).

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