Saturday, 11 April 2020

Diary From Richmond UK

Have not left the premises all week. It now appears that the lock down may not be long enough to complete all of the projects that we've identified.
Since I posted on last Saturday, weather was good Sunday lousy Monday and good for the rest of the week. You may recall that I had a birthday last Saturday so I finished of the good dregs on Sunday and have been surviving on Australian plonk for the rest of the week.
We don't have a garage but have a Chalet (large hut) at the bottom of the garden. This has been our dumping ground for stuff from childhood school notes through University to travels abroad, childrens books and letters etc. etc. I also managed to assemble my childhood train set there for the benefit of our grandchildren. Anyway we decided it was time for a clearing. It's been a real trip down memory lane. Part of this effort involves digitizing my old slides and building some more compact storage system to keep them in when I have finished. I should throw then out but can't just yet. It's much the same story with the train set. I'm building a box for that also.
Our deliveries from grocer Sainsbury's still seem to be working. We also had one from Waitrose but I fear that will be the last. Getting a delivery from Waitrose being considerably more difficult than winning the lottery.
We are well and I hope you all are also.
All the Best,

1 comment:

  1. Hello John,
    Hang in there but I'm distressed to hear of you surviving on plonk - why not check out some of the better wine merchants? They will deliver and we are too old to drink plonk. If it would help I could check around with JB, Louis & the Faravels etc. to find out who their UK agents are.

    Happy Birthday!
