Friday 10 April 2020

Small victories in the long haul

Sometimes it seems as if life has shrunk to just the coronavirus battle, it dominates the media and, I must admit, my thinking.  It's not that we are battling the infection (thankfully), but the struggle to avoid contagion and stay healthy, fit and sane dominates our lives.

A couple of days ago three policemen (who weren't adequately socially distanced) passed our door on rue du Rouvis, it seemed like an inappropriate use of resources to me, but probably they just wanted to patrol a low risk area for a change.
Now the Dentelles are officially off limits to all so we have been forced to adopt avoidance tactics.  Now we only hike the more remote footpaths that are too narrow for vehicles, or three policemen.  No, no, just a joke officer, of course we're obeying all the rules!

Dismayed by the ever-mounting numbers of cases I have decided that shopping in the aisles of Carrefour is just too risky so I have signed up for the "Carrefour Drive" service - you order on the Internet, they assemble the order and you pick it up by car at the back of the shop.  Sounds good but not so easy to do!  In hindsight it is obvious now that when I attempted to sign up on Tuesday their site, and maybe the local Internet, was overloaded to breaking point, nothing worked, no pickup slots available for a month and online payment systems broken.  However after some hours of frustration (and I suspect some serious IT help at Carrefour) things got much better and we are now all set for pickup this afternoon.  So, well done Carrefour, note I also checked out Auchan and Super-U whose sites were much worse!

I've also had a first "tele consultation" with my rheumatologist, it didn't actually work on my Mac, although it does seem to work on my mobile, still we didn't really need the "tele" bit as phone & email did the job.  I think it will be a while though before the French abandon paper prescriptions.

In a dream last night I attended 'World Covid Day' sometime in the future to remember the one million people who had not made it through the pandemic, happily we had.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you conquered the grocery ordering challenge! We are still doing the 8 a.m. senior hour on Tuesdays. Sort of a joke being played on us old folks at that wee hour. :-) Bet those gendarmes were actually looking for some wine. And they knew rue du Rouvis had a superb stash!
