Wednesday 20 May 2020

Signs of life ...

Here's an encouraging sign - the pizzeria opened up, for takeaway only, about three weeks ago.   Claude delivers pizzas that have been previously ordered by 'phone though the window - no customers go inside.  Business is not that brisk yet but Claude is having the garden area tidied up so that he can serve diners out there in a few weeks when no doubt there will be more tourists around again.


  1. I've resigned myself to no crowds and no enclosed spaces with people until inoculated.
    It's a huge lifestyle change: no doing the event photojournalism for the Oceanside Museum of Art, no participating in/hanging photography at juried shows with receptions, no attendance of receptions of any kind, etc. No inside restaurants, etc. That's a huge chunk of group social life gone up in smoke. Even no flying to small airports for the famous $100 hamburger.

  2. Hello Kurt,
    Well, personally I have to admit I'm enjoying the lack of crowds. I'll concede that it's never exactly 'crowded' here but for the past couple of months it has been quite idyllic - no people, no noise, clear skies, no pollution - and nature seems to have responded with exceptional beauty and abundance. These are all benefits of the lockdown, no question about it.
    Of course I readily acknowledge that I'm very fortunate that I don't have to struggle to look after young children in these circumstances or even get to work every day - we old retired folk are indeed in the 'sweet spot' in that respect.
    OK, I do miss visits to our favourite restaurants and the movies, but apart from that the food here is still great, the wine even better, we have good music and movies in store (thanks to all that techie work we did Kurt) and I know we both have great companions ... So, I think we should enjoy the holiday, forget the $100 hamburger, make the best of this - because we'll ALL be paying for this for the next decade!

  3. Dick

    I need fresh territory for more "Postcards In The Sky"

    Cheers, Kurt

  4. Wonderful! I hope they are fine. Give them my regards!
