Saturday, 20 June 2020

Celebrating the Solstice

Tomorrow, June 21st, we'll celebrate the "Fête de la Musique" here in France with free performances by bands and musicians in the squares and on the street corners of every town and village across France.  In 'normal' years this is one of the most enjoyable nights of the year with dancing in the streets and the overflowing restaurant tables spilling over the pavements, this year I imagine it might be a smaller and more restrained celebration.

The event is the product of the ideas of Maurice Fleuret who was director of music and dance in the culture ministry of Jack Lang in 1982, however the then President of the Republic François Mitterand seems to have subsequently taken most of the credit - which is hardly surprising as this must be one of the most popular decisions of any politician!

The fête is always held on June 21st on the assumption that it is the longest day or summer solstice (in the northern hemisphere), although the solstice actually occurs at 23:43 (French time) June 20th this year, so I guess that means that today is really the longest day. However, regardless of the timing of the solstice, tomorrow night is party night in France.  I'm sure there will be plenty of people celebrating and the restauranteurs will be very glad to have some customers again.

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